Are You Ready to Rewrite Your Health Story?
From DNA to Daily Habits - Your Next Chapter Starts Here
Whether you're looking to manage a chronic issue or simply feel like the best version of yourself, this is where we start - at the root of who you are.
Let's Work Together
Nutritional genomics is the key to understanding how your unique genetic blueprint influences everything from energy levels, inflammation and digestion to weight, exercise and mood. By looking at your genes, we can create a personalised plan that helps you work with your body, not against it.
Book Your Consultaion
We begin with an initial online video consultation where we'll explore your health goals, current challenges, and medical history, then dive into the foundations of nutritional genomics.
Your DNA Kit Arrives at Home
Your DNA test kit will be delivered to your home. It's a simple and quick saliva cheek swab - no needles, no stress.. Then post your sample back to the lab in the provided envelope. Easy peasy.
Review Your Results
Once your results are ready (typically 4-6 weeks), we'll go over your report in detail with an online video consultation, from what your genes are saying to how you can apply this knowledge in daily life.
This is more than just nutrition - it's a new way of understanding your body and giving it what it needs to thrive. When you work with your genetics, the path to better health becomes clearer, smoother, and more sustainable.
Your Nutritional Genomics Blueprint
Ever wish your body came with a user manual? Well, your Nutritional Genomics Profile is the next best thing. Imagine finally understanding what makes you tick and using that knowledge to take charge of you health with confidence and clarity.
Initial 60 minute online video consultation
Results 90 minute online video consultation
Genetic Testing Kit (Partnered with 3x4 Genetics)
Your genetic blueprint and personal recommendations in PDF
$1099 (GST inc)

Building on Your Blueprint
Health isn't a one-and-done journey - it evolves as you do. Whether you're looking for more insights and support putting your plan into action, or life has throw new challenges your way, this 60 minute online consultation offers the support you need to stay aligned with your goals.
Ongoing support and discovery for a current health challenge
Adjust your nutrition and wellness plan based on new insights
Troubleshoot obstacles and create practical solutions
Address any shifts in your health or lifestyle
$165 (GST INC)

Take a Look Inside
Unlocking the Secrets to Eating Well
Have you ever felt like your body didn't get the meno on that "one-size-fits-all" diet advice? Or wondered why your energy loves to play hide-and-seek? This is were nutritional genomics steps in, putting science behind what makes you you. By understanding your genes, you can eat smarter, live better, and finally figure out why carbs love you a little too much. Or maybe your body holds a weakness for certain fats. Let's find out!
Some of the Benefits
Your optimal diet - find out how well you process nutrients such as gluten, vitamin D, B12 and folate, plus caffeine and much more...
Find out how your genes are supporting your heart health and how you can support your cardiovascular system.
Find out how your genes are working to fight off viruses and what you can do to strengthen your immune system.
Your genes have a big role to play in how your body manages weight, find insights to help your manage weight intelligently.
Find out what training works best for you and how to get fitter smarter and avoid injury from training.
Find out how well your hormones work and get insights about whether you should avoid taking hormones.
Find out what you can do to support your cognition as you get older and support your daily mood.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are genes, and gene varients?Genes are bits of code found in our DNA that carry and create our various unique traits. Obvious examples are our eye colour or height. But genes can also inform other things like our metabolism, how our cardiovascular system works, or if we might be predisposed to disease. Our genes are 99.9% the same as everyone else's, but it's that .1% that make us truly unique — and from where we can gain the most insights into how our bodies function. That .1% of our genes that isn’t like everyone else’s is important because it's where genetic variants come into play. Genetic variants are simply spelling changes in our genetic code that may impact how the gene works. People that have a specific genetic variant may find their cellular or systems functionality impacted in some way, making it different than someone else's — sometimes for the better! What are some examples of genetic variants? Genes can do all types of things in a person's body, and variants can influence functionality all the way down to the cellular level. For example, the ACE gene influences our potential for fitness endurance or power. The GSTM1 gene helps eliminate toxins from our body. The HFE gene affects our iron storage. The APOE gene impacts inflammation. As you can probably guess, any variation that alters a gene's functionality can contribute to everything from general bad health to chronic disease.
How do genetic variants impact my health and wellness?A common misconception is that our genes are set for life, and we can't change them. We can’t change the code, but if we know what genetic variants we have, and how these genes express themselves in various ways to influence our health, then we can make lifestyle and food choices that take those genetic variants into account. We can support our genetics with smarter choices. For example, someone may have a genetic variant that causes them to store iron too well. That means that we can do further testing and if need be recommend treatments that will address any excess iron. Or someone may have a genetic variant that impacts their ability to metabolise caffeine. They know then that they need to cut back on that extra cup of coffee!
What is genetics, genomics and epigenetics?Genetics is the study of genes. It's the study of how traits are passed down through families, which genes affect which body processes, and how different genes express themselves, but most importantly how we respond to the world around us, the food we eat, the exercise we do, and the stress we encounter. Genomics is the study of the complete DNA sequence, or genome. Whilst we don't look at your entire genome sequence, we use genomics to look at grouped metabolic pathways in the body. Epigenetics studies how environmental factors can turn genes on or off without altering the DNA sequence. It's like a light switch for your genes controlled by diet, stress, and lifestyle. We combine genomics, genetics, and epigenetics to create personalised nutrition strategies. This ensures your diet is tailored to both genetic predispositions and environmental influences, giving your genes the VIP treatment!
What is nutritional genomics, and how can it help me?Nutritional genomics is the science of understanding how different genes express themselves and how they respond to the world around us through the food we eat, the exercise we do and our stress and sleep patterns. By analysing your genetic makeup, we can uncover insights into how your body processes nutrients, manages weight, handles stress, and even influences mood and sleep patterns. This gives you background knowledge into your underlying biology, and when we take into account your current health status , we can tailor a health plan that supports you and your health goals.
Are't my genes set in stone, so why bother testing?It's often assumed that we can't change our genes — so why even try? The truth is that while we can't change our DNA code, our gene expression is a bit of a different story. Our genes express themselves in different ways, and not only affect how we interact with the world around us, the world around us affects how our genes express themselves. That means that lifestyle and food choices we make can actually influence how our genes work. Our genes aren't set in stone, and there's a lot we can do to help them impact our health..
Isn't genetic testing just used to determine my ancestry?Genetic testing has gained a lot of popularity in the past decade through ancestry companies who can test your DNA and track your family's history. But genetic testing can be used for a lot more than seeing where you came from, and can be used a lot more proactively as well. Genetic testing can tell you how your body functions, right down to the cellular level, and can help you understand how your body processes nutrients, how it metabolizes caffeine, how well it handles inflammation, and much more. It can help you look forward to a healthy future as well as backwards to your ancestors.
Isn't genetic testing only looking at one or two genes?While there may be some genes that are more popular or given more attention than others, genes can't be looked at in isolation. What matters is how genes work together to create an overall picture of a person's health and wellness. We like to say that knowing a person’s genes is like having a blueprint to how their system works. Just as you would never try to build a house with the plans for just one wall or floor, you wouldn't just look at one or two genes in isolation.
What can I expect from a DNA test? Is it complicated?Not at all - the DNA test is simple and painless! After our initial consultation, you'll receive your testing kit by mail. It's a quick cheek swab, there are full instructions in the kit. It's best to do a swab first thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything (or brushing your teeth). This has show to give the best result. We don't want the test to fail from a diluted sample as it's a lengthy process redoing the test. It should only take a few minutes and then you send it back to the lab in the enclosed prepaid envelope. That's it! Once your results are ready (typically 4 - 6 weeks), we'll meet again via video consultation and go over your results in detail. You'll receive a digital copy of your report and your recommendations going forward.
Isn't genetic testing just used to predict the possibility that I have a specific disease?Genetic testing can certainly screen for certain genetic variants to determine if someone might be more predisposed to a disease — and many people use genetic testing in just that way. But like we've already seen, genetic testing can be used for much more, including informing lifestyle and food choices to address root causes of illness and disease before they even start. It’s important to understand which genetic tests focus on food choices and lifestyle changes — what we call nutrigenetic tests — and medical genetic tests that look for rare genetic variants that may by themselves cause disease.
Is the science even advanced enough around genetic testing to make it applicable?Our knowledge of all areas of science is always evolving. The study of genetics has certainly come a long way since DNA was first studied in the 1950s. Like any other science, our knowledge around genes, their expression, and how they impact health and functionality increases each day. And like with any other science, we practice with what we have, and expand our practice as our knowledge expands. We would never hold back the ability to help a patient just because someone thinks the science "isn't there yet"!
Isn't genetic testing just for genetic testing's sake? Will I be able to use any of that information practically?Genetic testing can be used to make patient care much more personalised, it can help determine better foods to eat, influence better lifestyle choices, lead to more targeted screening and testing, and point the way towards the best supplements, plus much more. Genetic testing isn't something to take in isolation, but can be incorporated into the portfolio of healthcare approaches. It gives us your backstory and where your strengths and weakness are.